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Spinal manipulation is also called spinal manipulative therapy. It’s a technique where practitioners use their hands or a device to apply a controlled thrust (that is, a force of a specific magnitude or degree in a specific direction) to a joint of your spine. The amount of force can vary, but the thrust moves the joint more than it would on its own. Spinal manipulation is different from spinal mobilization, which doesn’t involve a thrust (and is performed within a joint’s natural range of motion and can be controlled by the patient).

Shockwave Therapy

An acoustic wave which carries high energy to painful spots. Promotes regeneration and reparative processes of the bones, tendons, and other soft tissues. Helps accelerate tissue repair, cell growth and mobility restoration.


It stretches and releases several times during a session creating more relief. Applying the necessary negative pressure to release an injured disc and promote healing. The negative pressure causes a “vacuum: effect sucking the material back inside the disc, relieving the pressure on a pinched nerve.

Short Wave Diathermy/Ultrasound

Generates heat within the body tissues using a high-frequency current of electricity. Used to treat joint and muscle conditions. Produces heat up to 2 inches under the skin surface, unlike a hot water bottle or hot shower that just does the surface of the skin.

Workers Compensation(WCB) Injuries

We treat many injuries related to WCB. If you were hurt at work, we can provide treatment and direct bill WCB. There are a few steps to ensure coverage but our friendly staff will walk you through it all.

Manitoba Public Insurance(MPI) Injuries

We treat many injuries related to MPI. If you were hurt in a car accident, we can provide treatment and direct bill MPI. All we need is your accident date and Personal Injury Claim number – this is different than your car damage claim number.

Custom Orthotics

By stabilizing and balancing your feet, orthotics enhance your body’s performance and efficiency, reduce pain and contribute to your total body wellness. Since the average person spends almost two-thirds of their day in shoes, it’s important to make sure that they provide optimal support. 

A proper exam of your feet and walking pattern will be performed and a dynamic digital scan will also be taken to assess your weight bearing pattern while the foot is in motion. Based on your findings a unique insole will be prescribed for your unique situation.

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